IDHAE Annual Reports on Lawyers in Danger (2018,2017)

This year's IDHAE Report, devotes an extensive mention in the assassination of lawyer Michalis Zafiropoulos (p.92 of the report), which has shaken Greek society in the fall of 2017, and the attack against lawyer Ms. Evgenia Kouniaki (p.177 of the report) by Golden Dawn's members.
(see DYYAD's Public Intervention on the latter event here)

The whole text of the 2018 IDHAE Report is available here.

The 2017 IDHAE Report, available here, had devoted its reference to Greece on the victimization and harassment against DYYAD's coordinator, lawyer Ms. Electra Leda Koutra (see p.172 and 29 of the Report).

The increasing incidents of victimization of lawyers who practice in CoE's member States has recently intensified the talks on the adoption of a Convention on Lawyers.

DYYAD continues to press for the adoption of legislation on a national level, incorporating Pleiades' proposal of a model law on human rights defenders. The model law was announced from the premises of the Athens Bar Association in November 2017 and fueled the creation of the Network, as a joint Project of the NGOs Hellenic Action for Human Rights - Pleiades (2009) and Lawyers Without Borders Greece (1995).

The Network records and publicizes incidents of defenders' victimization and on any occasion calls on the Greek Authorities to legislate towards the transposition of the UN Declaration on Human RIghts Defenders by utilizing the relevant   Model Law proposed by ISHR and civil society and approved by numerous international human rights experts and stakeholders, translated in Greek and adapted to the Greek standards by the Hellenic Action for Human Rights - Pleiades. In that model law, provisions for the incorporation of another soft law instrument, the UN's Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, has been added by Pleiades.
